Stop doing pull-ups and hangboarding to get stronger!
These drills enable you to build strength and endurance while climbing. They’ve been tested by hundreds of climbers and proven incredibly effective.
Feel Excited About Training Again
Stop wasting your time looking for climbing exercises online and stop paying hundreds of dollars for personal trainers. Get a new climbing drill/exercise sent to your inbox every week, for free with our newsletter.
Level Up Your Climbing With The Pyramid
The biggest reason that climbers tend to get stuck at their grade in climbing is that they aren’t climbing the right grade when it comes to pushing themselves.
To counter this issue, many climbing coaches use the pyramid worksheet method. This worksheet not only tracks your climbing grade but also guides you on when to start climbing in the next grade.
Gamify Your Climbing Training
Discover a fun and engaging way to incorporate a new drill into your climbing regimen. Just one spin can introduce a fresh challenge, ensuring your climbing skills improve steadily.
Are Climbing Holds “Holding” You Back?
Many climbers are limited by the routes they can climb and the progress they make because of they aren’t able to utilize specific types of climbing holds.
The best way to overcome this problem is by training for those specific climbing holds. But what holds should you focus on first? This is a free downloadable climbing hold test to see what type of climbing holds need the most training.